Cervezas Alhambra organises its first Workshops with artists and artisans, during the celebration of the Intramurs Festival in Valencia. A very successful call in which a handful of music...
Call to action Talleres Intramurs is a call. An invitation to the Workshops for artisans and artists and to the acoustic shows which took place in Valencia during the...
Call to action Talleres Alhambra Barcelona is a call. An invitation to the Workshops for artisans and artists and to the acoustic shows which took place in Barcelona in...
The five finalists of the Cervezas Alhambra Award for Emerging Art visit La Alhambra as a means of inspiration for their work.CREW
Directed by: Iñaki Antuñano
Produced by: Ferran Toledo
Music: Vincent...
Martín Azúa designed the main piece of the Cervezas Alhambra Workshops in Barcelona and Raquel Rodrigo did the same with the Cervezas Alhambra Workshops in Valencia. This talk focuses...
A meeting in Barcelona, in the Cocolia design studio with the artist Carla Cascales. A relaxed talk on two ways of understanding aesthetics: the colourful pop of Cocolia and...
And the artistic journey of the Cervezas Alhambra Award for Emerging Art comes to an end during the 2017 edition of the Internacional Art Fair ARCO. The winning piece...
The five finalists of the Cervezas Alhambra Award for Emerging Art work together with five other artisans who help them to create the work of art which will be...
The five finalists of the Cervezas Alhambra Award for Emerging Art choose a mentor for their work. A guide who helps them both with the idea and the construction...
We visited the kitchens of these four chefs in Bilbao, Arriondas, Santiago de Compostela and Córdoba to test their routines when they stop to research. How moments of calmness...
Paco Morales reviews season by season the recipes that were made during the Arab domination in Al-Andalus. But every summer he closes his kitchen to re-evaluate and change everything...
Nacho Manzano develops a culinary art in which the raw materials and the close proximity of the product are at its core. In moments of calm and quiet, Nacho...
Eneko Atxa runs the restaurant Azurmendi, three Michelin stars, and chews over where he looks at when he is able to stop. Innovation is the goal he is looking...
Lucía Freitas is the chef of the restaurant A Tafona in Santiago de Compostela. Her business began as a fixed-menu restaurant and now she has achieved her first Michelin...
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These three chefs talk about the similarity between their cuisine and the philosophy of Cervezas Alhambra. They talk about tradition, serenity,...
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Paco Morales is the chef of the restaurant Noor in Córdoba. A place of experimentation where every year the menu is...
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.Nacho Manzano recoge el testigo de dos generaciones anteriores a los fogones de Casa Marcial, dos estrellas Michelín. Un restaurante ubicado...
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.Eneko Atxa regenta el restaurante Azurmendi, tres estrellas Michelín, ubicado en Larrabetzu, a escasos kilómetros de Bilbao. Nos habla sobre la...
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.Las obras de los cinco artistas finalistas tienen un componente de artesanía muy fuerte. Visitamos el taller de los artesanos con...
Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.Los cinco artistas finalistas viajan a la ciudad de Granada para inspirarse tanto en la Alhambra y su entorno como en...