Kill the TV Kill the TV

B-MAP 1917 + 100

Fermin Muguruza eta TSOWC / B-MAP 1917 + 100

B-Map 1917 + 100 is the name of Fermín Muguruza´s last album recorded in collaboration with the electronic duo The Suicide of Western Culture for the label El Segell del Primavera. A 10-track record and the same number of videos. 10 cities from around the world that begin with the letter B (Berlin, Beirut, Bilbao, Brazzaville, Bogotá, Belfast, Buenos Aires, Belgrado, Baton Rouge and Barcelona). A collective project, directed by Kill the TV, and in which a good number of directors have worked.


Project directed by: Kill the TV
Videos directed by: Berlin (Laura Cuello & Pepe Ábalos & Iñaki Antuñano), Beirut (Pepe Ábalos), Bilbao (Podenco), Brazzaville (Sergi Palau), Bogotá (Jonathan Cremades), Belfast (Marc Guardiola), Buenos Aires (Laura Cuello), Belgrado (Juan Carlos Cembreros), Baton Rouge (Mario Polar H.)
A Kill the TV production for El Segell del Primavera


  • Categories:
  • Skills:
    • El Segell del Primavera
    • Fermin Muguruza
    • The Suicide of Western Culture
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